The Winter Blues

The Winter Blues

In this episode, we discuss the “winter blahs or blues." They are a real thing! Because, in the winter months, we have low activity, low serotonin, and low vitamin D, it is very common to experience cabin fever or seasonal affective disorder. Cabin fever can result in excessive sleeping, irritability, restlessness, and claustrophobia. And, much like it, seasonal affective disorder can result in fatigue, apathy, withdrawal, weight gain and trouble sleeping. Many people can experience these conditions temporarily, Dr. Clemenson says sometimes they do require medication.

Dr. Steve Clemenson, an Internal Medicine physician specializing in non-invasive cardiology.

Choosing a Provider

Choosing a Provider

Dr. Mark Yohe from IMA Healthcare talks about choosing the best healthcare provider for your needs.

Dr. Yohe shares his expertise about the important questions you should be asking yourself when choosing a provider. He notes that services such as checking in on you during hospital stays, access to the doctor and other important questions should be asked when you make the decision to receive healthcare.

Heart Disease

Heart Disease

On today's show, Dr. Clemenson discusses a new study that suggests heart stints and bypasses may not be as effective as the medical world would like you to think. In fact, exercise, quitting smoking, eating healthy and lifestyle changes may be the key to keeping your heart in good condition. Especially in those who are on the downward spiral towards needing a stint/bypass.

Dr. Clemenson is an Internal Medicine physician specializing in non-invasive cardiology.

Men's and Women's Health

Men's and Women's Health

Dr. Mike Lillestol and Nurse Practitioner Kari Emerson from IMA Healthcare discuss the differences between men's health and women's health.

We begin this episode with the differences between men and women. Physically, of course, there are differences - but did you know there are also differences with symptoms of the same disease of ailment depending on whether it is a male or female?

Pitfalls of Summer Weight Gain

Pitfalls of Summer Weight Gain

Dr. Brent Hella and Tracey Dillon from IMA Healthcare in Fargo, ND discuss the pitfalls of summer weight gain and how to take back control.

Dr. Brent Hella, an Internal Medicine physician who specializes in disease management with a special interest in diabetes and weight loss joins It Takes Two in the studio along with Tracey Dillon, a Licensed Registered Dietitian from ima Healthcare.

The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

Dr Steve Clemenson, an internal medicine physician who specializes in internal medicine and non-invasive cardiology, join us for the IMA Doctors Show.

Join us as we discuss the importance of GOOD sleep to your body and overall health, an explanation of sleep apnea treatments, and other good information about how to get good shut-eye.

Medically Homeless?

Medically Homeless?

Dr. Steve Clemenson, from ima Healthcare, is an Internal Medicine Physician specializing in non-invasive cardiology.

He joins us in the studio to talk about the importance of a primary care physician, how to find a doctor who fits your medical needs, the underdiagnosis of sleep apnea, and more about the threat of measles.

Internal Medicine and Primary Care

Internal Medicine and Primary Care

Dr. Yohe is an ima physician who specializes in men’s health with a special interest in joint injections and arthritis.

In this episode, we discuss the difference between an internal medicine doctor and a family practice physician. We also learn about the breakthrough drug for depression, new recommendations on aspirin and questions about managing low T.

IMA's New Location

IMA's New Location

Dr. Lillestol is an internal medicine physician who specializes in osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Kari has recently joined the practice as a Nurse Practitioner, with a special interest in Women’s Health.

In this episode, they explain more about their practice and walk-ins are welcome at their NEW 32nd Avenue location. Mike and Kari also answer listeners' questions about low testosterone, ear infections, restless leg syndrome, diabetes and more!

A Focus on Women's Health

A Focus on Women's Health

Physician Assistant’s, Susan Hanson and Dacia Engberg and Nurse Practitioner Kari Lillestol Emerson join us to discuss healthcare issues facing women today.

We’re learning that women are so busy taking care of everyone else they may not take the time for their own healthcare needs.

They state reasons like….they don’t have any spare time, they can’t get off work during the day, they have no one to watch their kids, they don’t have insurance, and the list goes on.

People are using expensive emergency room providers as their personal physicians. It’s impossible for them to truly get to know their patients and all of their health history.

Let's stop the cycle!

Join us as these three talented female providers field calls and questions about women's health during the IMA Doctors Show.

Who is IMA Healthcare?

Who is IMA Healthcare?

Dr. Mike Lillestol, an internal medicine physician who specializes in osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease and Nurse Practitioner Kari Lillestol Emerson, who has a special interest in women's health, join us for the IMA Doctors Show.

Join us as we discuss what an internal medicine doctor is and who should think about becoming a patient.

The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

Dr. Clemenson is an Internal Medicine physician specializing in non-invasive cardiology.

In this episode we discuss the importance of GOOD sleep to your body and overall health, an explanation of sleep apnea treatments, and other good information about how to get good shut-eye.